Keto and Depression

I was asked how keto has helped with my depression, so here is a post to all those who are curious.

How it has worked for me:

Keto has been great. I have a very disordered past with eating and to be honest, I am not sure where the will power has come from. I used to struggle really hard when I cut carbs out but I haven’t had any issues on keto. My body feels good and my lifts are great.

How my energy levels have been:

My energy was complete shit before and I think it has improved a bit. It’s still not great, but I don’t think that has anything to do with keto at all. 

How expensive the change is:

I don’t think it was much more expensive. If you’re someone who eats out a lot, it would get expensive because restaurants use carbs to fill people up, and getting a carbless dinner is pretty unsatisying. I’m also really bad at budgeting and I don’t pay attention to grocery money, which is dumb because I should. 

My advice if it is feasible: when meat is on sale, stock up and freeze it. I just bought 10 pounds of ground beef and froze half. 

I used to waste tons of money on junk food, so I’m pretty sure it all evens out.

Any adverse effects?

Not that I can think of. No strength loss. No low(er) energy levels.

Carbs and mood:

Carbs are usually the first comfort food sought. There’s scientific research that explains why this is but the most important thing to remember is that carbs are a very quick “fix.” Carbs can temporarily improve your mood but in the end, your mood crashes. 


I am currently on 20mg of Lexapro

How long I’ve been on Keto:

Almost a month. Gotta start somewhere. 

If anyone has any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask. However, I am not in any way certified to give nutrition advice. This is solely how this has worked for me and since I am a unique human being, I cannot speak for anyone else, and what works for me may not work for others.